Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The PURE Picture ~
The rules:1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
ok...done. blurr pic, due to small pixels
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.

3) Post that picture with NO editing. it is. but i cover my face. aci x? ;P
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
done...just copy & paste rite?
5) Tag 10 people to do this
ermm....since most of my friend has been tagged, i choose :
1) justin
2) linda


Mama Nafis said...

mana aci tutup muka ekekekeke
waaa ko membesa bagai johan la ayu
ko pakai baju peknen ke tu

Aidilla said...

ini tidak adil! awat tutup muka...
e lama tak jumpa ko..camner ek rupa ko pakai baju peknen tuh..hehe

ayu said...

hahaha....mau x membeso bagai johan
da naik 6kg tuuu
aah....aku dah memborong baju peknen. baju kemeja dah x muat.:(
perot aku dah boyot

alaaa dila...aku malu la nk tunjuk muka ;P

Anonymous said...

hahah ayu sudah gumuk.. :P

akan ku sahut tag mu itu..